Quarry Swimming and Fitness Centre in Shrewsbury remains closed: damage being further assessed
Quarry Swimming and Fitness Centre in Shrewsbury will remain closed for at least a week, whilst further inspection of the roof and repairs take place.
The centre was closed on Sunday 9 February 2020, following parts of the roof covering the building blowing off in the storm’s high winds, and posing a potential risk to the public and other buildings.
Shropshire Council have yesterday assessed the damage to the roof and further potential risk. A significant amount of debris has been recovered from the lower roofs and around the building, with the surrounding area cleared.
With further strong winds forecast today and onwards, the public are being advised to avoid the area for their own safety whilst further inspections continue and subsequent repairs begin.

Road closure outside Quarry Swimming and Fitness Centre
Phil Russell, Shropshire Council’s building control manager, said:
“There appears extensive damage on the roof, and investigations and reactive works are still ongoing. From what we can see at the moment, it appears that metal fascia details have become loose in places caused by the high winds, and have become displaced from the building.
“We will know more when we can obtain safe access to visually assess – given the continued high winds.
“Fencing has been installed at the effected external areas to stop public access to the building. We have also asked Shrewsbury Town Council to place a restricted zone on Quarry Park footpath (adjacent to the pool/café area) to reduce risks to the public in the area.”
Priory Road still remains cordoned off, as there is a potential risk that any loose debris could fall from the roof onto the road.